Goal-Setting Tips To Real Estate Investing Success

Setting goals is important to succeed in any endeavor.  Goals must be in writing to move beyond being just a conversation (an idea is not a plan) and they need a deadline. 

At David Green Realty we want to see you succeed. If you find yourself stuck, we are only an email away at: david.green@davidgreenrealty.com

To start setting goals it's helpful to remember:

  1. Goals must be specific: Start rough, round out the details later. Write a HUGE list of goals, prioritization comes later.
  2. Goals must be believable. Your goals should be just out of your current reach, but close enough that you can strive to reach them. For instance, don't set a goal to go for a traipse on the sun, yo'll never reach it.
  3. Goals must be measurable. You cannot set a goal to be financially independent. There is no way you can measure that. You cannot manage what you cannot measure. You need to set a goal for the amount of income you want per month, per year, the amount of equity that you want in properties in one, three, five, ten and twenty years. It must be measurable. Successful people set their goals quickly and they make adjustments as they go along. Just like successful people make decisions quickly, they do not vacillate in indecision or what I call sometimes; get mixed up in a funk of negativity.
  4. Goals must be congruent. Your goals must also be congruent with your actions. You cannot set a goal to work harder, longer hours AND a goal to spend more time with your family. Those are not congruent. They must be congruent with your actions.
  5. Visualize what you want. If you see yourself as already having achieved the goal, you will fake out your mind and your mind sees the goal as already having been achieved.
  6. Work your goals. Plan your week carefully, focusing on what the late Stephen Covey called “Big Rocks”. The big rocks are the most difficult things to do mentally (not physically) that produce large results.  If you wanted to fill a bucket with big rocks, small rocks, and sand, you need to put the big rocks in FIRST.  If you don’t plan, the sand fills in first, and the big rocks don’t fit.
  7. Number your goals. Number your goals in the order of importance. Not only is the goal important but so is the reason. The reason is more important than the goal itself.
  8. Review, Monitor and Make Adjustments. It's important to review, monitor and make adjustments on your goals. You have to be flexible. Some things are not going to happen, you have to face that, but you need to continuously strive to get better every day. If you will work harder on yourself than you do your job then you will always be growing. Remember that last sentence and write it down as it is worth repeating.
  9. Your goals must have a deadline. A goal without a deadline is just a dream. Here's four basic areas to set your deadlines:
      • Financial: You will set goals based on income, equity or net worth, and cash flow. All of these are financial goals and are easily measurable.  Don’t get overwhelmed with the numbers, though; focus instead on the short-term, intermediate goals that will result in long-term success. For example, if you want to make $25,000.00 on a particular type of deal within a month, focus on how many calls you need to make a day to find such a deal. 
      • Health: Set some health goals to stay healthy. Remember "an apple a day"? What if this is right and you are not doing it? Start small, though, you don’t try to tackle all of these at once, but you need to be healthy not only for you but for your family as well.
      • Family. Set family goals. What is an example of a family goal? Maybe you want to take four vacations a year. Maybe you want to visit a new state, three times a year or five times a year. Maybe you want to go see the Grandparents two or three times a year; but maybe not. 
      • Faith. You need to set some spiritual goals, some faith goals. Without faith, life will beat you up, eat you up, and spit you out. Remember, all the “crap” that comes at you is nothing but fertilizer for the harvest about to come.
Another thing I want you to think about is the people you associate with. Take a minute and think about this. Don’t get rid of your friends, just get some more that are where YOU want to be in the future.

With hard work, mental discipline and thinking you can set realistic, achievable goals in your real estate business and SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS.
